Kent is a surprisingly rural county, but with a unique feel perhaps derived from its proximity to the capital, the British county of Kent lies in the affluent south-east. It\'s renowned as the Garden of England with some of the most impressive and historic gardens to be found anywhere. Its agriculture includes the growing of hops for the beer industry, and distinctive “oast houses” for the drying of hops are just part of the interesting architecture of the region, with many of the houses of visibly Tudor origin.
The port of Dover, with its white cliffs that are recognisable from many a film and one song, in particular, is a historic town in its own right as well as a gateway to mainland Europe via the short 22 mile (35km) Channel crossing to France. Canterbury is known for the historic and the arts, including the writings of Chaucer, and the archbishop thereof is the head of the Anglican Church.
Twelfth-century archbishop Thomas Becket was murdered in Canterbury cathedral in an unfortunate misunderstanding of royal decree – one of the few things many of us can remember from our history lessons, but making it a special site of pilgrimage that forever has a place in history. The nearby port of Whitstable is exceptionally charming, bustling yet bohemian, with seafood emporia selling its famous oysters. Beautiful Herne Bay was a Victorian holiday resort and still draws many tourists to this day.